Soulmate Social

How it Works

Enter by paying the £15 fee via the website. This covers you being matched and your entry to the after party.

Once payment is received, you will be emailed a link to the form. Simply fill in the form to be matched with a partner.

Around one week before the event, further instructions will be emailed to you.

After your date, everyone meets at the after party venue.

Any questions?
Please email
or DM us at


Peckham Arches.

Peckham Arches.



Once payment is received, you will be emailed a link to the form. Payment is non-refundable.

FOLLOW US: @soulmatesocial_

Previous Events

Crate Brewery

Peckham Arches

Bar 90

Bird House Brewery

Bush Hall

"Everyone was so fit."

- Angus

"SMS is as if someone who knew you really well scrolled through dating apps and found your perfect match."

- Julian

"Drinking, talking and if you're lucky, snogging! Soulmate Social really is the place to be."

- Jim

"I loved Soulmate Social. I signed up with a lot of my mates, so it was a less daunting way of getting back into dating."

- Lucy

"A vibrant, unstuffy way meeting cool people who you actually get along with."

- Ella

"It was my first date in a while and gave me a confidence boost."

- Sophie

Our Next Event

Soulmate Social
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